The interesting bit is the comments, where various people sprang to the defense of money. The quote is incomplete, says one: it should say "love of money is the root of all evil." Another points out that it's not money that's the problem, it's greed.
The good thing about "greed" being the problem, especially if you're rich, is this: "greed" only exists in the third person. "Greed" is something that one sees in other people. No one ever acknowledges being greedy themselves.
How very convenient. It's easy to be against a sin that is only practiced by other people. One need never change one's own behavior; one can luxuriate in pointing out the sin of others.
Incidentally, the same source that calls love of money the root of all evil, also says that it is much more likely that a camel pass through the eye of a needle, than that a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. If the Ivory Madonna believed in all that, and wanted to make sure she got into heaven, she would be frantically divesting herself of all that money, whether or not it's the root of evil.
(And yes, the Ivory Madonna knows all about the claim that "the eye of a needle" was a gate into Jerusalem, and camels had to get down on their knees to go through it...yeah, that's all nonsense. An example of how far rich Christians will go to justify their own hypocrisy.)
The Ivory Madonna's story is told in Dance for the Ivory Madonna by Don Sakers.
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