Thursday, May 20, 2004

The Log Cabin Republicans

Here's a story (link) about the North Carolina chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of gay Republicans. Apparently, the LCR were turned away from the state Republican Convention.
The North Carolina chapter of the LCR purchased a table at the North Carolina state convention on behalf of Log Cabin in early April. But just days ahead of the convention, North Carolina GOP Chairman Ferrell Blount returned the money, along with a stinging letter, which read, "Homosexuality is not normal," and informed the group it would not be allowed table space.

"The North Carolina Republican Party and the Log Cabin Republicans do not seem to share the same agenda," the letter also read.

Every time something like this happens, the Log Cabin Republicans seem to be surprised (and somewhat hurt) that the Republican Party is rejecting them. With President Bush supporting a Constitutional Amendment to deny gays both marriage and civil unions, the LCR is even "considering" the drastic step of withholding their endorsement from Gerorge W.

Well, DUH.

Wake up, folks! The Republican Party has made it abundantly clear that they don't want you, don't like you, and don't consider you a part of their Party. They have made it clear that "Republican" equals "Anti-gay." By continuing to deceive yourselves, you are only making yourselves look increasingly more ridiculous, and giving the general public the notion that gays are outrageously clueless. (When it's obvious that it's only Republican gays who are outrageously clueless.)

This story goes on to say " The National Stonewall Democrats, a group of GLBT Democrats, promptly invited the LCR members to share table space at district Democratic conventions in North Carolina this Saturday."

The LCR declined, saying that they "remain dedicated to making change within the Republican party." soon as they're finished making pigs fly.


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