Thursday, July 08, 2004

Securing Polling Sites and Stealing Elections

Well, the Ivory Madonna is back from vacation and feeling feisty. And along comes this AP story (link) headlined "Ridge Warns of Election Terror Plot."

The key part is this:
"...authorities have begun working through the process of how to secure the thousands of polling sites that will be used around the country this fall, said another senior intelligence official..."

Oh, have they, now?

The Ivory Madonna supposes that this is advance justification for stationing armed and uniformed police (or military) at all polling places nationwide. Guards with the authority to do on-the-spot searches, without warrants.

Which will certainly deter many from voting. The poor, blacks, gays, underclass people in general...all of whom have various reasons to distrust and/or fear the cops. Anyone who doesn't want to take the chance of being detained, questioned, searched, or worse.

Hmmmm. Whom will this disenfranchise more, Republicans or Democrats?


The Ivory Madonna's story is told in Dance for the Ivory Madonna by Don Sakers.

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