Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Iraq's WMD Found!

An AP story (link) says that tests have confirmed the presence of sarin nerve gas in an artillery shell used in a roadside bomb in Iraq. Fortunately, since the shell was used as a bomb rather than being fired as artillery, only small amounts of sarin were produced and dispersed into the atmosphere. Had this shell been used in artillery, and had it landed in a populated area, dozens or even scores of people might have been exposed to sarin, and subsequently died agonizing deaths.

I do not think that the liberal media are paying enough attention to this story. Think of it...with the existing artillery that Saddam Hussein had, this shell could have been fired miles into an adjoining country. Smuggled into the United States, it could have been dropped from the top of the Empire State Building, menacing hundreds of cubic yards of New York sidewalk. In a worst-case scenario, casualties could easily have approached one hundred.

Why are the news people trying to bury this story? President Bush has told us all along that he knew Iraq had WMDs (Weapons of Minimal Destruction). Now, he is vindicated. Only unpatriotic idiots can still question whether our successful mission to counter this threat to a hundred American lives, is worth the 800+ American soldiers, and over 5,500 Iraqi lives, that have been sacrificed so far.

And we got rid of Saddam Hussein, too, and he was really, really a Bad Guy.

Oh, well, that's the liberal media for you.


The Ivory Madonna's story is told in Dance for the Ivory Madonna by Don Sakers.

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