Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Soros Book

Currently reading The Bubble of American Supremacy by George Soros.
This is a very intelligent man, and his words are pearls of wisdom. In fact, he gives voice to the very same ideas and opinions that are circulating through the greatest minds of our time, namely yours truly. In his preface, Soros says:
I contend that the Bush administration has deliberately exploited September 11 in order to pursue policies that the American public would not have otherwise tolerated. The Bush dream of American supremacy is both unattainable and in contradiction with the principles that America has traditionally stood for. It endangers our values as well as our security. And it endangers the world because America is so powerful.

And Soros might just as well be talking in the Ivory Madonna's own voice when he succinctly makes one of my favorite important points:
The government of the most powerful country on earth has fallen into the hands of extremists who are guided by a crude form of social Darwinism: Life is a struggle for survival, and we must rely mainly on the use of force to survive. This is a distorted view: The survival of the fittest depends on cooperation as well as competition.

I've been telling you people the same thing for years, but does anyone ever listen to me?

Soros doesn't just carp and complain, he lays out a rational and effective framework for taking the USA and the world in a better direction than the one we're on.

Good book. Important book. Read it.


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